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November 17, 2014

Obama's Executive Amnesty Will Hurt Democrats

And the real tragedy behind Obama’s plan is that it will likely undermine comprehensive immigration reform, which the country desperately needs.

November 12, 2014

Energy Issues Were a Big Win In Last Week's GOP Wave

While the economy may have been voters' primary concern and the president's health care law second, energy issues played a key role, especially in those states that gave Republicans control of the Senate.

November 11, 2014

Obama's Vetoed The Fewest Number of Bill in 160 Years -- But Why?

Obama has vetoed exactly two bills in six years, according to a summary of vetoed bills tracked by the U.S. Senate. By contrast, Bill Clinton vetoed 37 bills.

November 9, 2014

Republicans Can Easily Get Rid Of One of The Worst Parts About ObamaCare

Republicans won’t be able to repeal Obamacare as long as President Obama is in office, but they can make a big dent in one of its most egregious and unconstitutional flaws: Simply eliminate the penalties for not having coverage.

November 8, 2014

Reversing the Medicaid Tidal Wave in Illinois

Every state is struggling with the explosive growth and cost of its Medicaid program. Illinois, however, found a way to reduce Medicaid spending significantly, freeing up money for other important projects—or better yet, tax cuts.

November 5, 2014

Oops! Texas Is Getting Redder, Not Bluer

One of the biggest disappointments for Democrats had to be Texas. They had boots on the ground, lots of money, a believable narrative, great candidates and big hopes for a blue future—and Texas got even redder.

November 3, 2014

If You Do Not Currently Live In A Red State, You Probably Will Soon

Voters around the country are concluding “it’s better to be red than dead”—applying a whole new, and much better, meaning to an old phrase. 

October 30, 2014

New York Times: 14% Is Good Enough To Call Obamacare a Success

Most of us have long realized that the New York Times’ standards are low. But even we were a little surprised at what little it takes for the editors to call Obamacare a success.

October 26, 2014

Is Harry Reid a Human Shield for Obama?

Reid’s sole purpose has been to protect Obama from having to make difficult political and legislative decisions. That protection racket would come to an end with a Republican Senate.

October 23, 2014

Innovation: The Shape of Things To Come

Several companies have been distracted by litigation, or the threat of litigation, causing them to invest their energy and resources in litigation rather than in the successful commercialization of innovation.

Total Records: 930