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September 8, 2014

The Worst U.S. Presidents: How Does Obama Stack Up?

A July Quinnipiac poll asked the public who has been the worst president since 1945. The big winner was President Barack Obama, with 33 percent. It’s easy to see why if we compare him to some of the other men who often make the worst-presidents list.

September 3, 2014

Obama's Honor-nomics

President Obama’s complete inability to pass liberal legislation that actually works—or now to pass any legislation at all—has driven him to rely on the honor system in the hope that people will do the right thing in several policy arenas.

August 28, 2014

What's Up With Health Insurance Premiums -- Besides Politics?

Multiple factors, both health care-related and political, are affecting premium increases. Some of those variables are pushing premiums up and others down.

August 27, 2014

It's Time to Update Lagging U.S. Energy Infrastructure

The United States recently passed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s top energy producer. But our nation’s infrastructure for transporting, storing and delivering energy hasn’t kept up with production.

August 27, 2014

Looks Like November Could Be A Blowout For GOP Governors

While the media’s November election focus is almost entirely on the U.S. Senate, Democrats will likely take their biggest electoral thumping in the states, especially in the gubernatorial races.

August 26, 2014

Foreign Tensions Shows Need to Open Energy Exports

For decades, the primary energy producers have been countries that do not share the major democracies' values. And yet the democracies' economies are dependent on those producers. New drilling techniques have made it possible to reduce or eliminate that stranglehold.

August 25, 2014

In Defense of a Disengaged, Out-of-Touch Obama

Several have criticized President Obama for being disengaged while the world burns. But why complain? When he returns to Washington they will criticize him for getting it all wrong.

August 19, 2014

Four Reasons Rick Perry's Indictment Could Boost His Presidential Chances

Texas Governor Rick Perry’s indictment could help his presidential prospects if voters see his actions as an effort to stand up for principle and public accountability.

August 16, 2014

Calculating the Incalculable Cost of Iraqi Nation Building

As Iraq melts down it might be instructive, if painful, to remember just how much we have spent, and will spend, in blood and treasure nation building in that collapsing country.

August 11, 2014

These GOP Women, If Elected, Will Shake Up Congress--and Democrats

If these three Republican women win their elections in November, there will be a “war of women” when they start shaking up Congress. They are accomplished and knowledgeable in areas where our current president is severely lacking: the health care system, fiscal responsibility and the military.

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