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July 9, 2014

Obama's Wrong; The Economy Is Improving Because Of Congressional Deadlock

The economy is improving precisely because Obama and Congress are deadlocked.

July 7, 2014

Conservatives' dilemma: Sue Obama or impeach him - or a third option?

To pushback against executive power grabs without impeaching a sitting president, the legislative branch could simply exercise its power of the purse.

July 2, 2014

We've Crossed The Tipping Point; Most Americans Now Receive Government Benefits

Obamacare has pushed us over the entitlements tipping point.

July 1, 2014

So We Can All Agree That The VA Is One Big Death Panel

Two reports show the VA has massive quality-of-care problems, and that officials regularly put our veterans’ lives at risk.

June 27, 2014

Apple-Samsung Wars Are Hurting Innovation

By directing its energies toward tying up its competitors' time and resources in endless court battles, Apple mires the industry in litigious quicksand, diverts resources from innovation, and deprives consumers of new products and services.

June 26, 2014

Energy Could Be Pivotal Issue In Tipping Balance In Senate

While the economy will likely be the top voter concern in the November elections, energy may be a stealth issue that comes in second or third on many voters' lists.

June 24, 2014

Run, Jeb, run!

A Jeb Hensarling leadership role could reignite principled conservatism in Congress. 

June 20, 2014

Time for Congress to consider H1-B visa reform

Skilled immigrants are good for the economy and for your pocketbook.

June 20, 2014

U.S. Manufacturing Making a Comeback

Manufacturing has been growing stronger thanks to the U.S. energy boom and a steady supply of inexpensive natural gas.

June 18, 2014

How does Congress punish the VA for incompetence, mismanagement and fraud? Double its budget

Apparently it’s good to delay veterans’ health care, fabricate medical records, cover up the fraud and harass whistleblowers—because Congress is rewarding such behavior.

Total Records: 930