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June 18, 2014

With Cantor Gone, GOP Would Be Wise To Let Ex-Im Expire

The most significant issue affected by Cantor’s loss is one that has become a symbol for the dispute between pro-business and pro-market conservatives, writes Tom Giovanetti in the Dallas Morning News. 

June 17, 2014

Top Tax Friendly States for your Middle Market Business - Does your State Make the Cut?

The NCMM survey says the top destinations for middle market businesses are Texas and Florida.

June 16, 2014

Lift H1-B Cap

A new study from academic economists at Colgate University and UC-Davis shows wages rise fastest in U.S. cities with the greatest influx of highly skilled immigrants.

June 3, 2014

Congress Won't Drastically Change The VA Because Too Many Benefit From The Status Quo

At best, all Congress and the administration will likely do—if they do anything—is tweak around the edges.  

May 30, 2014

Who's Up For An Obama Recession?

Don’t look now but the country may be headed into a recession. 

May 29, 2014

Left Wants EPA To Ban Chemical FDA Says Isn't Harmful

The Left can't convince the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to outlaw the chemical BPA, so it wants the Environmental Protection Agency to take over.

May 29, 2014

The Welsh welfare system is still broken

Despite government efforts to reform the welfare system, long-term unemployment remains chronic, and the current benefits structure may be causing more problems than it solves.

May 27, 2014

If Income Inequality Is Caused By The Lack Of Wealth, Then Help Workers Create Wealth

Replacing Social Security’s financially struggling system with personal retirement accounts would create real wealth for millions of working Americans.

May 27, 2014

Obama travels to unfriendly political territory -- a U.S. military base

While Obama should be commended for visiting the troops, surveys show he was not among his biggest supporters.

May 23, 2014

Consumers not protected by Michigan's outdated law

An outrageous law on the books in Michigan restricts the ability of Michigan consumers to resell event tickets as they see fit, and that specifically makes it illegal to sell a ticket for above face value.

Total Records: 930