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March 8, 2023

Are Democrats Behind the Pro-Trump Bot Explosion?

Given their newfound embrace of dark money, could Democrats be using those funds to promote Trump for 2024 the way they used that money to promote pro-Trump candidates in 2022? 

March 1, 2023

How the Western Hemisphere Became the Leftist Hemisphere

The left’s widespread grip on the Western Hemisphere means slower economic growth and less individual freedom at a time when the world needs more of both. In years past, the United States could have served as a model for reform. 

February 21, 2023

How to Tell When a Presidential Candidate Is Really Running for Vice President

A large percentage of potential GOP presidential candidates probably recognize that a VP slot, or perhaps a Cabinet appointment, is likely their best outcome.

February 14, 2023

If Cutting Social Security Is a Scandal, Then Biden Did it First

If some Republicans have suggested a type of means-test for Social Security, be assured that Joe Biden beat them to it by 40 years.

February 7, 2023

A National Sales Tax Would Be Simple and Efficient--But the Current Plan Won't Work

The only way a national sales tax could actually work is if the percentage could be significantly lower. But doing that would require Congress to vastly reduce federal spending. Not much chance of that.

January 31, 2023

Estimating Illegal Immigration's Cost to Public Education

Immigrants can bring much-need workers, innovation and vitality to an economy. But while those benefits are limited when the immigration system is as dysfunctional and politically polarizing as ours, the costs are not.

January 24, 2023

When Will the FBI Search Hunter Biden's Home for Classified Documents?

We know Hunter has engaged in lots of mostly shady foreign deals, trafficking on his name and connections rather than his expertise, which has brought him millions of dollars. So, he has a motive for wanting access to certain classified documents.

January 17, 2023

Did a Democrat Leak the Biden 'Filegate' Scandal to the Press?

It’s plausible, given what we know – or at least what we think we know – about the sources of the information, the timeline and the widespread opposition to Biden running for president again.

January 16, 2023

America Needs Tort Reform Now

When U.S. law puts American companies at a disadvantage, it is only reasonable for those companies to make the necessary adaptations to preserve shareholder value and the ability to manufacture and serve their customers.

January 10, 2023

We Have a Republican Speaker, but No Republican Plan to Speak Of

What specifically do Republicans plan to do now? Where’s their five-point or 10-point plan for tackling inflation or crime? What’s their plan for crimping Biden’s spending spree? 

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