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October 27, 2020

How Can I Flee Wildfires in My EV When There's No Electricity?

California wants to replace gas-powered cars or trucks with electric vehicles, but then take away the electricity during wildfires.

October 20, 2020

You're Only an 'Expert' When You Agree

For today's political left, an "expert" isn't one accomplished in a field such as science, but one who promotes the left's agenda. 

October 13, 2020

The Preexisting Condition Issue Is All About Politics, Not Policy

Preexisting medical conditions were a real problem for a small number of uninsured individuals. But the political debate is no longer about how best to address that problem, but how to hammer a political opponent.  

September 30, 2020

The U.S. Won't Need 700 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Anytime Soon

It will be months before we have enough Covid-19 vaccine to cover everyone, but we probably won't need that many doses since many will forego vaccination.

September 23, 2020

Even Environmentalists Now Want Better Forest Management

Even the media and environmentalists are concluding that poor forest management, not just climate change, is a major factor behind the California's wildfires. 

September 15, 2020

Hyper-Partisan Attacks Could Undermine a Covid-19 Vaccine's Adoption

Drug makers, navigating a very partisan minefield that could undermine public confidence, take a rare step of assuring the public that any vaccine they produce will be safe and effective.

September 8, 2020

Are Republicans and the Constitution Diluting Minority Votes?

As the media and the left accuse Republicans and the Electoral College of diluting minority votes, the number of minority members of Congress has increased dramatically over the past 20 years. 

September 1, 2020

Those 'Food Deserts' May Become Food Wastelands

Grocery stores have often been reluctant to open in low-income areas, creating what's known as "food deserts." Recent large-city riots, and support for them, will likely make that problem worse.

August 25, 2020

Minorities Are Skeptical of Democrats' Latest Conspiracy

Blacks and Hispanics are skeptical of mail-in voting, and for good reason. So why are Democrats so focused on it.

August 18, 2020

California's Blackouts a Preview of the Green New Deal

As Democrats assure us that we can quickly transition to clean energy, remember California has tried it. Now thousands are sweltering in blackouts.

Total Records: 575