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March 17, 2020

One Coronavirus Silver Lining: Fewer Colds and Flu Cases

It's really hard finding a silver lining to the coronavirus outbreak and the government's response, but maybe there will be hundreds of thousands of fewer cases of the cold and flu. 

March 10, 2020

Here Come the Useless Economic Stimulus Proposals

The coronavirus-related economic fears are leading liberals to propose their only solution to any problem: handing out more tax dollars

March 3, 2020

Hey, Bernie, Check Out Government's 10 Most Wanted 'Medi-crooks'

Bernie Sanders claims government-run health care is more efficient, but he never addresses the rampant fraud in the two biggest government health care programs: Medicare and Medicaid.

February 25, 2020

Yet Another Way for Blue Staters to Flee to a Red State

Conservatives living in blue states are looking for a way out without having to move. The good citizens of Oregon have proposed an unusual solution.

February 18, 2020

What Foreign Steel, NATO and Prescription Drugs Have in Common

If the president doesn't want to import price-controlled, foreign-made steel, then why does he want to import price-controlled prescription drugs? 

February 11, 2020

Two Cheers for Trump's Budget and a Big Boo for Democrats' Response

A step-in-the-right-direction budget—if the reality matches the rhetoric, which it often doesn't.

February 5, 2020

Which Carbon Hypocrite Would You Want for President?

Democratic presidential candidates fly to campaign stops in private jets to scold the rest of us about our carbon footprint.

January 28, 2020

'Greedy' Drugmakers Pour Money into Finding a Coronavirus Fix

Governments can't act as quickly as private sector drug companies when it comes to finding a vaccine for the coronavirus or any other epidemic.

January 21, 2020

Global Capitalists Meet in Davos to Extol Global Socialism

At least some World Economic Forum attendees think we have reached "peak laissez-faire," meaning it's time to give government more control over our economies and our liberties. 

January 15, 2020

A Balanced Assessment of the U.S.- China Trade Deal

One of the president's top trade advisors sees nothing but positives from imposing tariffs. A more balanced view sees some positives, but many negatives. 

Total Records: 575