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October 9, 2019

It's Appropriate for Trump to Mandate Immigrant Health Coverage

President Trump's decision to mandate immigrants have health coverage is appropriate, and his Proclamation may actually give immigrants access to affordable coverage. 

October 3, 2019

I'll See Your Democratic Tax Increase and...Triple It!

Democrats are  calling for huge new tax increases to pay for their new spending while taming the growth in government debt. The past proves we'll get the taxes and spending, but the debt will only increase.

September 24, 2019

Medicare Has Tried Price Controls--and Failed

Democrats want to impose price controls on prescription drugs, even though Medicare's long history of price controls shows that they don't control spending.

September 17, 2019

Health Care Consumerism Is Expanding, and Liberals Won't Like It One Bit

Can patients act like consumers in the health care marketplace? Liberals say no, conservatives, and new evidence, say yes.

August 27, 2019

Does the Bible Teach Socialism? Yes, Say the Democrats

Democrats increasingly defend their embrace of socialism by claiming the Bible teaches it. 

August 20, 2019

The Recession Threat Is Real

President Trump and administration officials are downplaying fears of a recession. While a recession isn't imminent, the threat is very real. 

August 13, 2019

Is Global Cooling on the Way?

Chinese climate scientists predict a period of global cooling in the future, which will surely heat up the climate change debate.

August 6, 2019

Can You See Any Doctor Under Medicare for All?

Important distinction: The right to see any doctor doesn't mean the right to see a doctor soon.

July 30, 2019

Back to the Slow-Growth Economy

The economy is doing well, just not as well as we thought—or hoped. If Trump plans to run for reelection on a record of strong economic growth, he needs to resolve some lingering issues.

July 23, 2019

Three Thumbs Down for the Big-Spending Budget Buster

Another big-spending budget deal, where Republicans claim they'll do better next time—though "next time" never seems to come.

Total Records: 575