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February 12, 2019

Obamacare Was Supposed to Lower the Death Rate--It Didn't

Democrats told us people were dying because they lacked health insurance and so we needed to pass Obamacare. Congress did and the death rate went up.

February 5, 2019

Venezuelan Socialism Destroyed Its Energy Industry--and the Country

Socialism has destroyed Venezuela's energy industry, which cut off one of the country's primary revenue sources. For some reason, U.S. democratic socialists think that's a good model. 

January 29, 2019

Well, of Course the Number of Uninsured Is Rising

Yes, the uninsured rate is rising, not because of President Trump's policies, but because of the way Democrats designed Obamacare.

January 22, 2019

President Trump Gets No Credit for Helping Defund Vladimir Putin

We don't know whether there was any Trump-Putin collusion; but we do know that Trump's energy policies are reducing Russia's revenue and making it harder for Putin to engage in global mischief. 

January 15, 2019

De Blasio Offers a Health Care Splash, but Little Cash

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to provide low-cost or free health care to all of the city's uninsured. He's about to find out just how expensive "free" health care can be.

January 8, 2019

Nancy Pelosi: Pay No Attention to Your Fatter Paychecks

Would someone please tell Nancy Pelosi that paychecks are already getting fatter—without her tax increases and redistributionist efforts.

December 18, 2018

Four Takeaways from Judge O'Connor's Obamacare Smackdown

The media and Democrats will publicly criticize Judge O'Connor's Obamacare decision, while Republicans will publicly praise it, but there's more to the story.

December 11, 2018

The Gap Between Green-Energy Dreams and Reality in Two Pictures

Hardline environmentalists will claim we can easily and quickly transition to 100% renewable energy. We've heard these broken promises before.

December 4, 2018

The French Tell Macron Where to Stick His Gas Tax

French President Macron is shocked his constituents don't want to pay higher taxes so he can claim to be a clean-energy leader. Are U.S. progressives listening?

November 27, 2018

Well Whadya Know: Federal Revenue Is Up

The left predicted that the Republican tax cut legislation would lower federal revenue. Surprise! Federal revenue is up.

Total Records: 575