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February 13, 2018

Republicans Still Haven't Learned Their Lesson from 2006

Republicans claimed they learned their lesson about big-government spending when voters put Democrats in control of the House and Senate in 2007; but it looks like they haven't learned a thing. 

February 6, 2018

Trump May Have a Prescription for High Drug Prices

President Trump wants to address the high price of some prescription drugs, and new bilateral trade agreements would be a good place to start.

January 30, 2018

Tax Competition Explodes and the Left Hates It

Tax competition is good for economies, just like other forms of competition; and the new tax reform law has made U.S. corporate tax rates competitive again.

January 23, 2018

Trump Tries to Save U.S. Solar but May Kill It Instead

President Trump has imposed tariffs on imported solar panels and solar cells, but is that an effort to save the solar industry or undermine it?

January 16, 2018

Republicans: Don't Go Squishy on Welfare Reform

Republicans shouldn't fear welfare reform; they should embrace it because, like tax reform, they're good at it.

January 9, 2018

One BIG Reason Why Prescription Drugs Cost So Much

Pfizer has ended its quest to find a cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, but the research costs live on and must be absorbed in the price of other products.   

December 12, 2017

We May All Be Exempt from Obamacare's Mandate--Sooner or Later

Obamacare drafters created an escape hatch, which they never thought they'd see it being used: the law's definition of "affordable" coverage. It allows people to escape the mandate if insurance is too expensive—which it increasingly is.

December 5, 2017

Kids Get Health Coverage While Taxpayers Get the Shaft

The “crowd-out effect” of CHIP would be an important lesson to remember as Congress tackles welfare reform next year.

November 28, 2017

Dems Want to Raise Taxes on the Rich--Except When They Don't

Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich; the Republican tax plan would do that in part by reducing some tax breaks and the Democrats run to the wealthy's defense. 

November 14, 2017

U.S. Carbon Is Down, While World Carbon Is Up

The Bonn climate conference has been criticizing the U.S., which has been reducing carbon emissions, for being uninterested in standing with polluters that claim to be interested.  

Total Records: 575