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November 7, 2017

Democrats Are Suddenly Concerned About Federal Debt

Democrats are raising concerns that tax reform could add to federal debt, but only after their eight-year spending binge that nearly doubled that debt.

October 31, 2017

How Washington Keeps Millions from Being Millionaires

It's good to see so many commentators defending the benefits of 401(k) plans; now if they would only use that energy and those arguments to defend personal Social Security accounts.

October 24, 2017

Obamacare Titanic Is Sinking; Republicans Look for a Pail to Bail

Obamacare is the policy equivalent of the Titanic, taking on water and sinking fast. The Alexander-Murray bill is simply a bailout effort, and some Republicans are looking for a pail. 

October 17, 2017

A Post-Constitution America

Today, the left and the media attack a president who chooses to follow the Constitution because to them constitutional limitations don't matter when they become a barrier to their progressive vision.

October 10, 2017

Obamacare Hasn't Expanded Individual Health Coverage

After years of Democratic-imposed political and health insurance turmoil, the individual health coverage hasn't changed. 

October 3, 2017

Here's What Simple Tax Reform Looks Like

If Republicans are successful in passing tax reform, your return could look like this.

September 26, 2017

Trump Should End Obamacare Subsidy Payments Now

President Trump put an Obamacare constitutional problem on hold hoping Republicans would fix it. They didn’t, and it’s time to return to the Constitution.

September 19, 2017

Trump Bumps, and May Even Dump, the UN Swamp

President Trump delivers straight talk and perhaps a veiled warning to the United Nations.

September 12, 2017

Note to Fed: Low Inflation Is a Feature, Not a Bug

The Federal Reserve Bank is trying hard to push inflation up to 2 percent; let's hope it fails.

September 5, 2017

At MD Anderson You Can Have Cancer Care or Obamacare, But Not Both

People know Obamacare is driving up premiums, but it is also reducing access to care; just look at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Total Records: 575