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June 13, 2017

Tort Reform or Constitutional Malpractice?

In attempting to rein in health care costs, Rep. Steve King would impose a federal, top-down pre-emption upon the states, which is a violation of federalism and another example of the over-federalization of law and justice.

June 6, 2017

To Grow the Economy, Make Welfare Recipients Work

The economy needs workers to grow, and President Trump's welfare work requirements will help provide them. 

May 30, 2017

Why Is Trump Complaining About German Trade?

Germany produces quality products and services that consumers, including Americans, voluntarily choose to buy. So why is President Trump criticizing Germany's trade surplus?

May 23, 2017

Ford's CEO--Another Casualty to Obama's Green Dreams

Ford's CEO is out, in part because President Obama's unrealistic CAFE standards force car manufacturers to build small, fuel-efficient cars that very few people want.

May 16, 2017

Obamacare's Coverage Expansion Isn't What We're Told

Obamacare supporters say it has vastly expanded private health insurance, but new government numbers tell a different story.

May 9, 2017

Fake News About Obamacare Spurring Job Growth

The New York Times believes that cutting the taxes and government spending by repealing Obamacare would hurt economic growth. In fact, we would likely return to the higher growth levels we never had under President Obama. 

May 2, 2017

Minimum Wage Increases: Venezuela's--and Democrats'--Anti-Poverty Solution

There are similarities between Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro's and Democrats' anti-poverty solution: dramatically raising the minimum wage. But it hasn't worked in Venezuela and, fortunately,won't have the chance to fail in the U.S.

April 25, 2017

Speeches That Weren't Made During the March for Science

Lots of speeches were given during the March for Science. Here are some important issues that likely weren't discussed.

April 18, 2017

Want to See What Protectionism Looks Like? Look at Steel

We don't have to turn to economic theory to see the problems with protective tariffs, we have real life examples.

April 11, 2017

Republicans Who Believe in 'Tax Gain Without the Pain'

Some Republicans have now decided that there is no downside to certain tax increases.

Total Records: 575