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August 23, 2016

Comparing Welfare Reform's Success to Obamacare's Failure

There are lessons to be learned by comparing welfare reform's 20-year success story with Obamacare's five years of failure. For example, bipartisanship. 

August 16, 2016

Surprise! Medicaid Expansion Cost Much More than Projected

The federal government has announced that Obamacare's Medicaid expansion cost much more than it had predicted, and no one was surprised except, apparently, the federal government.

August 9, 2016

How to Use Life Insurance to Pay for Prescription Drugs

There is a little-known way to pay for new, cutting-edge prescription drugs if a patient is facing significant out-of-pocket costs: life insurance.

August 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton Wants to Dictate Who You Buy From

Trade protectionism is a type of nepotism, because its people of power or influence trying to protect favored industries or unions from the impact of competition.  

July 26, 2016

The Right Way to Increase Social Security Benefits

There is a way to increase the Social Security benefits of perhaps half of those age 65 and older, and it involves cutting taxes, not raising them.

July 19, 2016

Trade Protectionism Is Crony Capitalism

If you oppose crony capitalism, and you should, then you should also oppose trade protectionism.

July 12, 2016

After Brexit, French Socialists Suddenly Want to Cut Taxes

The socialists running France want to cut taxes and regulations to lure UK companies to Paris post-Brexit. So the socialists aren't stupid, just evil for not doing it earlier. 

July 5, 2016

Immigration Is Not a Fundamental Human Right

Many libertarians believe people should be allowed to immigrate whenever and wherever they choose, but that argument disregards the importance of property rights.  

June 28, 2016

How Both Presidential Candidates Could Shorten Your Life

Both presidential candidates want to allow the importation of prescription drugs to the U.S. endangering the lives of patients.

June 21, 2016

Shocker: Number of Federal Employees Nearly the Same After 50 Years

While federal spending, regulations and intrusion are much larger today than they were 50 years ago, the number of federal employees is about the same.

Total Records: 575