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March 29, 2016

The California Governor's Plan to Create More Jobs in Texas

The governor doing more than anyone to create Texas jobs is Jerry Brown.

March 22, 2016

GMO Foods and the Anti-Science Left

You wouldn't know it from the media, but those on the political left, not conservatives, are the real anti-science hardliners. Just look at genetically modified foods.

March 15, 2016

Puerto Rico Already Has SandersCare and It's Broke

We don’t have to wait until he is elected to see Sanders’s ideal health care system; we can look at Puerto Rico.

March 8, 2016

Donald Trump on (Prescription) Drugs

Donald Trump, the businessman who claims to know how to close a deal, has a way to lower the price of prescription drugs: allow the government to "negotiate: (i.e., dictate) the price.

February 23, 2016

When Will Republican Candidates Start Identifying Proposed Spending Cuts?

Tax cuts are nice but they are not enough. The government doesn’t just take too much money, it also spends too much.

February 16, 2016

When Democrats Supported Free Trade--100 Years Ago

Democrats were once the principled voices in support of free trade; now they support protectionism and trade barriers that only lead to trade wars.

February 2, 2016

Why Losing Welfare Benefits Helps Welfare Recipients

As an Oregon welfare reform pilot program demonstrated in the 1990s, when people looking for welfare benefits were told they would have to work for their benefits, about a third walked out saying if they had to work they’d find their own job. 

January 26, 2016

Economics in Action: Wal-Mart Raises Wages Then Closes Stores

Higher wages are nice, but not when it costs you your job.

January 19, 2016

Data That Suggest a Coming Recession

The country has experienced three recessions in the past 30 years, and in each instance, median household income began to decline about a year to 18 months prior to the start of a recession. A 2013 report showing how median household income began to again decline hints that a recession may be around the corner.

January 12, 2016

Obama Prepares to Defend His Failed Record

A president’s last State of the Union Address is often about defending his legacy. And he will have to because no one else will.

Total Records: 575