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January 5, 2016

When 'Full Employment' No Longer Is Full Employment

The U.S. is approaching what economists call "full employment," in which everyone who wants a job can find one.  So why are so many people unemployed and desperate for work? 

December 15, 2015

Can Social Security and Medicare Be Counted as Part of Seniors' Wealth?

Future Social Security and Medicare benefits can't be counted as part of seniors' wealth because they don't own those accounts.  But if seniors did own them, they wouldn't just be "counted" as wealthy, they would be wealthy.

December 8, 2015

Should Food Stamps Be Restricted to Healthy Food Products?

Maine Governor Paul LePage wants to make the food stamp program more of a safety net and less of a hammock. Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm would have agreed.

December 1, 2015

Hillarycare Tried to Put Everyone in an HMO, Obamacare Is Succeeding

The Clintons tried to put every American in an HMO and the public soundly rejected that attempt by voting Democrats in 1994; Obama is succeeding where the Clintons failed and the public is punishing Democrats for it.

November 24, 2015

What Bernie Sanders Can Learn from a New York Times Reporter About French Tax Policy

Will one socialist learn from another socialist about marginal tax rates? Probably not.

November 10, 2015

The Minimum Wage and the Entitlement Mentality

Minimum wage increases, like welfare benefits, expand the entitlement mentality.

November 3, 2015

Budget Deal Perpetuates the Social Security Trust Fund Fiction

The budget deal perpetuates the Social Security trust fund fiction by borrowing from one trust fund that has loaned its assets for IOUs to save another trust fund which has spent its IOUs. 

October 27, 2015

RIP: Budget Sequester, 2013-2015

The budget sequester had a short but meaningful life.  It successfully helped to control federal spending, which is why Democrats and many Republicans had to snuff it out.

October 20, 2015

A Quick and Easy Way to Reduce Income Inequality

The best way to address the problem of income inequality is to ensure that lower-income workers can accumulate wealth, and the best way to do that is to replace Social Security with personal retirement accounts.

October 13, 2015

What Is a Democratic Socialist?

Bernie Sanders claims to be a "democratic socialist." Fortunately the group Democratic Socialists of America can tell us what that means.

Total Records: 575