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July 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton Channels China's Efforts to Control Investors

Hillary Clinton and the Chinese government both want to force investors to hold stocks longer.  The Chinese are using coercion and the secret police; Hillary only wants to use the tax system—at least for now. 

July 14, 2015

Truth-Checking Obama's Remarks to the White House Conference on Aging

President Obama spoke at the White House Conference on Aging, but what's really getting old is having to "truth-check" all of his claims.

July 7, 2015

A Perfect Example of How Not to Run a Country

This a tale of a country so immersed in fiscal responsibility and anti-growth economic policies that it has threatened the global financial system—and I am not talking only about Greece.

July 1, 2015

Should We Fret the Debt?

Greece is just one of a number of countries whose federal debt to GDP is very high. And if Washington were honest about the full extent of U.S. federal debt, the U.S. would likely be at the top of the list.

June 24, 2015

Let the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fund Our Highways

Congress is looking for ways to fund the Highway Fund once again, but members could do it without raising taxes—by sunsetting the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

June 16, 2015

Have Toll Roads Become 'Troll Roads'?

At one time toll roads were thought to be a free market solution to traffic congestion; that assumption is being reconsidered by some.

June 10, 2015

A Dallas Morning News Columnist Gets It Wrong on Overseas Profits

The repatriation issue opens the door for a serious discussion about the pressing need for tax reform in a global economy.

June 3, 2015

More Tax Money for Obama's Green Dreams

President Obama is poised to waste another $100 million pursuing his, not consumers', vision of a corn cob in every gas tank. 

May 26, 2015

The Private Sector Can Reform Social Security's Disability Program

Social Security's disability program is in bad financial shape. A private sector reform, modeled after an program that's been around for nearly 35 years, would provide the disabled and survivors with better benefits while helping remove some of the strain from Social Security.

May 12, 2015

There's 'No Sugarcoating' Health Insurance Exchange Failures

There's no sugarcoating how badly many of the state Obamacare exchanges have failed, and the problems are only just beginning.

Total Records: 575