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January 28, 2014

Conservatives Should Know It Takes Big Government to Stop Free Trade

Some conservatives face a dilemma: They don’t like free trade, but trade, including with other countries, is what free people naturally do. And the only way to limit that freedom is with a big, interventionist government, which conservatives have always opposed.

January 21, 2014

Minimum Wage Laws Should Be a State Issue

Minimum wage legislation is bad policy and counterproductive. But if politicians are going to impose a minimum wage, it should be done at the state level.

January 14, 2014

A Closer Look at Unemployment Numbers for Minorities and Youth

If employers won’t hire teenagers at $7.25 an hour, the current minimum wage, will they be more or less willing to hire them at $10.00?

January 7, 2014

Obama Wants to Extend the Longest Extension of Unemployment Benefits in History

Democrats are pushing Republicans to pass yet another extension of the unemployment benefits, but the long-term unemployed are a result of Obama’s bad economic policies and extending benefits only provides him with political cover from those bad policies.

December 17, 2013

Mandate Revolt: Health Insurers Offering Coverage for Those Who Refuse Obamacare

After generally supporting Obamacare’s mandate to have government-qualified coverage, some insurers see a market for plans that don’t qualify for the mandate.

December 10, 2013

Bad Santa: How Greenpeace Conflates Two Myths into One Big Lie

Greenpeace releases a video of Santa lying to all the boys and girls about global warming.

December 3, 2013

The EU Proposes Yet Another Tax on Capital Investment

The European Union is moving to implement a financial transactions tax that will likely cost the Union tax revenue.

November 19, 2013

Liberal Nanny-Statism Always Creates Problems for Liberal Nanny-Staters

Liberal nanny-staters pass laws or impose regulations to make the world better; but those efforts often backfire and create real problems for other nanny-staters.

November 12, 2013

Since When Did Inflation Become Good Public Policy?

Big-spending politicians are increasingly adopting inflation as a solution to a stagnant economy. That’s a Ponzi scheme that won’t last. The better option is to embrace economic growth.

November 5, 2013

Note to Treasury: Germany Is the Solution, Not the Problem

The U.S. Treasury is criticizing Germany for being so successful at selling its products and services to other countries, and encourages the country to adopt the failed polices that are undermining economic growth in the U.S. and several EU countries.

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