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Press Release

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March 12, 2014

Time to Boost U.S. Economy by Lifting Crude Oil, Gas Export Ban

In "The Case for Permitting Crude Oil Exports," Merrill Matthews explains that the oil export ban, imposed during the 1970s oil shortages, is out dated and counterproductive in an age of dramatically rising U.S. oil production.

February 3, 2014

IPI Publication Outlines Ten Principles of a Market-Based Health Care System

In "Ten Principles of a Market-Oriented Health Care System," IPI's Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. offers the key components to increase access, lower costs and improve quality of care. 

November 14, 2013

Healthcare Policy Expert Matthews Available for Analysis Following President Obama's Press Conference on ACA

Matthews predicted the day before the website was launched that Obamacare could, ironically, result in increasing the number of uninsured. With not even 27,000 Americans signed up in the federal health care exchange, and with over 5 million policy cancellations, Matthews’ prediction appears to be all too accurate.

October 31, 2013

WTO Should End Sugar Subsidies to Create Freer, Global Market of Treats, Not Tricks

The global sugar market has become a distorted maze of tricks, rather than treats, with more than 100 countries producing and subsidizing sugar production and exports. A new IPI publication says it’s time for the Obama administration to commit to eliminating subsidies and trade barriers for sugar and other agricultural commodities by pushing for such an agreement at the World Trade Organization (WTO).

September 24, 2013

Health IT Integration for Medicaid Would Reduce Spending, Boost Access, Quality

States facing Medicaid challenges should integrate mobile phones and other existing technologies to increase access to care, lower costs and improve health care quality for Medicaid beneficiaries, says a new IPI publication, “Reforming Medicaid with Technology.” 

September 19, 2013

Supreme Court Should Address Concerns about Federalism in New York's Affiliate Nexus Law, says American Legislative Exchange Council

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) today urged the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case that will help determine whether there are, in fact, constitutional protections from the ability of states to impose tax burdens on other states. Task Force Co-Chairman Bartlett Cleland of the Institute for Policy Innovation said, "The threat to the commercial Internet and to our constitutional rights from extraterritorial assertions of power by the government cannot be overstated. The Supreme Court needs to hear this case immediately to reaffirm the physical presence rule to protect our rights and to ensure the Internet continues to grow and improve human welfare."

April 16, 2013

Senator Cruz to Keynote IPI's 25th Anniversary Gala

“IPI's efforts over the last 25 years to promote principles that fortify the free market, limited government, and individual liberty have been instrumental to the conservative movement, and are critical to the future prosperity of our nation," said Sen. Cruz. "Their exceptional policy leadership continues to be a valuable resource to conservatives across the country. It is a true honor to be a part of IPI’s silver anniversary celebration.”

March 5, 2013

Pole Attachment Fee Bills a Tax on Broadband Providers, Will Cost TN $20 Million

Tennessee legislators should reject a proposal that would radically increase the "pole attachment fee" for private broadband providers because it would raise the costs and thus slow the spread of broadband competition in the state.

February 26, 2013

Christie Latest GOP Gov to Say Yes to Obama's Welfare State Addiction

New Jersey's Chris Christie is the latest Republican governor to suddenly capitulate to ObamaCare after years of rallying against the program.

Total Records: 184