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January 17, 2018

Trump's Tax Reform Miracle

President Trump has already done more to grow the U.S. economy than the last four presidents and 28 years combined.

December 13, 2017

21 Percent Is Just Fine

So the corporate tax rate in the conference committee bill is 21 percent, not 20 percent. That’s okay, we’ll get over it!

December 6, 2017

Corporate Rate Cut Must Take Effect in 2018, not 2019

If the corporate rate cut doesn’t take effect until 2019, businesses may choose to wait a year and defer income and production.

November 29, 2017

Don't Listen to the Nattering Nabobs of Economic Negativism

The economy used to frequently meet or exceed 4 percent GDP, before big tax, spend and regulate policies became the norm. Tax reform might take us back to the future.

October 25, 2017

Have Republican Tax Writers Lost the Plot on Tax Reform?

It’s not fair to judge a tax reform plan that hasn’t been released yet, but our overall excitement is tempered by a number of concerns.

October 12, 2017

Is Tax Reform in Trouble?

Compromise on principles is wrong, but compromise on details is necessary, if any good is to be obtained.

October 5, 2017

Patriotism for Business Is Investing, Not Paying Taxes

The assumption that the highest good for a business is to pay taxes is wrong and harmful to the economy.

September 28, 2017

At Last, Pro-Growth Tax Reform

Faster economic growth is on the table, if only Republicans can keep their eyes on the prize.

September 20, 2017

If Republicans Can't Get Tax Reform Done . . .

If Republicans, with a majority in Congress and control of the White House, can’t get tax reform done, what good are they?

September 14, 2017

Avoiding a Hurricane of Economic Fallacies

Let’s try not to compound economic disasters with economic fallacies. Markets work better than governments, even in a disaster.

Total Records: 603