Trump's Tax Reform Accomplishment
There’s not even a bill on the table yet, but President Trump has already scored a historic accomplishment on tax reform.
The Demise of myRA
We can say goodbye to the myRA program. But it won’t be the last time the federal government attempts to lure the American people into bailing out Washington’s unrestrained spending.
Deducting Taxes from Taxes
Through the federal tax code, we encourage higher state taxes by allowing the deductibility of state taxes from federal income taxes.
The Wrong Approach to the Border Adjusted Tax
The border adjusted tax should be evaluated based on its merits and effects, not simply as a pay-for. And if Congress rejects the border adjusted tax, it’s fine to go with tax cuts that are not revenue neutral.
A World Without the CBO
According to Director Mick Mulvaney, “The day of the CBO has probably come and gone.” We couldn't agree more.
If 'Comprehensive' Is Impossible, Let's Get the Main Thing Done
Congress and the White House should focus on the most important elements that would contribute to jump-starting economic growth.
Trump's Success Hinges on Tax Reform
Trump may not be able to keep many of his campaign promises, but tax reform is the most important, and will actually make it easier to solve other problems.
On Tax Reform, You Can't Expense What You Can't Afford
Congressional leaders need to remember that the goal of tax reform is increased growth through increased business investment.
Let's Be Honest About Border Adjusted Taxes
We don’t know whether border adjustment taxes will end up as part of the final tax reform package, but the arguments merit honest debate.
The Costs of Revenue Neutrality
Some argue that tax reform must be revenue neutral so that it doesn't cost the economy. But revenue neutral tax reform will have significant costs as well.