Tax Reform Should Address Privacy Risks
Successful tax reform will include efforts to protect the privacy of tax filers
The Economy Can't Wait
Getting the economy growing again should be the Trump administration’s number one priority.
Big, Credible Tax Reform
Republicans should not trap themselves within the strait jacket of revenue neutrality--the goal is economic growth.
The Fundamental Incoherence in Trump's Economic Policy
If the new Trump administration's tax reform efforts stimulate economic growth, it will ironically frustrate its ill-founded efforts to reduce trade deficits.
Philadelphia's Entirely Predictable Soda Tax Backlash
Here’s hoping Philadelphia’s bad example is at least a helpful object lesson to other cities that may have been considering a similar tax measure.
And the Realtors Fling Themselves Against the Tax Reform Wall
Increasing the standard deduction will be a welcome tax break and tax simplification for millions of Americans, and it is no threat to those who itemize and claim the mortgage interest deduction.
How Business Tax Reform Can Stimulate US Economic Growth
Lowering the corporate income tax is the best thing the federal government can do to stimulate economic growth.
Is Using Your Mobile Phone a Sin?
Governments at all levels have demonstrated a gluttonous appetite for revenue, and one of government’s favorite tactics is to attach high taxes to high demand products and services.
Only One Trump or Clinton Tax Reform Detail Matters
Hillary Clinton intends to raise taxes so the government can spend more, and Donald Trump intends to lower taxes so individuals and businesses can spend more.
With the EU Tax Grab, Apple Is Only the Beginning
The US government has an obligation to defend its domestic companies against this tax grab by the EU, and to reform our international and corporate tax.