No Surprise in Return of Ballooning Federal Deficits
The sequester spending restraints, pared with reasonable economic growth, could have balanced the budget on autopilot.
No Regulation Without Representation
Rep. Sensenbrenner has introduced a bill that would address a long-standing issue about who should pay Internet sales taxes.under the Supreme Court's Quill decision.
Republican Platform Opposes Expansion of State Tax Power Over the Internet
The Republican Party's platform has taken a strong stand against state efforts to tax internet sales across state lines, an important step given the lack of policy clarity coming from the party's presidential candidate.
EU Tax Grab Will Accelerate Loss of US Jobs and Investment
It is time to reform the corporate tax system to stave off the EU's global tax grab.
Soda Taxes: Not About Health, Not About Sugar, Not Even About the Children
Philly soda tax expanded at the last minute to also cover diet drinks and to also pay for union contracts and pensions.
The Social and Political Cost of Slow Economic Growth
The American people are blaming other countries and other people for a slow-growth wound that is self-inflicted.
Further Abandoning the Rule-of-Law
Yet again, the Obama administration has operated outside of the rule-of-law, which makes the US a less certain place for investment.
Trump's New Taxes
Donald Trump is the only Republican presidential candidate gleefully promising to raise taxes.
Conservatives Who Defy the Rule-of-Law on Taxation
Conservative legislators should not defy rule-of-law in their greed for more tax revenue.
Comparing the Major Candidates' Tax Plans
Most of the major presidential candidates have released tax reform plans with enough specifics to run them through an economic model. On tax policy, Republicans tend to focus on economic growth, while Democrats tend to focus on distributional effects.