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November 4, 2015

Don't Bother with myRA

Today, the Treasury Department rolled out the new myRA retirement accounts with almost no fanfare. And it’s easy to see why: The myRA is a retirement savings policy embarrassment.

September 2, 2015

The Clouded Judgment of Tax Authorities

Revenue agencies will often seek to extend taxes well beyond what was contemplated when legislation was enacted, in the name of securing ever more money for government, even to the detriment of innovation.

August 26, 2015

If You Were Oreo, You'd Leave Chicago, Too

Chicago, Illinois, and the U.S. shouldn’t expect companies to invest at home when their policies send the opposite message.

July 29, 2015

What Is the Point of Tax Reform?

To achieve real economic growth, tax reform must be a tax cut.

July 22, 2015

The Federal Government Wants Even More of Your Personal Information

Given government's inability to protect sensitive personal information, public policy should move toward putting less, rather than more, taxpayer information in the hands of government.

June 1, 2015

Digital Discrimination

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Thanks to the inaction of Congress, taxes are multiple, discriminatory, and certain in the digital world.

May 6, 2015

Backsliding on Spending Restraint

If Republicans backslide over spending restraint, they will betray their voters, devalue their political brand, and validate the accusations of their sternest Tea Party critics.

April 8, 2015

Want Lower Taxes? You Might Want to Move

by Andrew Parker

If you want lower taxes you have three options...and one might involve a moving truck.

March 12, 2015

Blame Congress, Not TurboTax, for Tax Fraud

Washington has never made fraud prevention a major focus. When fraud arises after its failure to act, the government blames tax preparation software.

January 21, 2015

It's Really, Really Time to Ban Internet Discrimination Forever

Congress has a clear choice: Make complete and permanent the ban on Internet access and multiple or discriminatory taxes online, encouraging broadband access and e-commerce, or turn away from that national priority and allow the pro-tax thugs to loot our digital future.

Total Records: 599