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January 8, 2015

Watching How the U.S.Treats Its Own States, Other Countries Could Learn How to Loot the U.S.

The Marketplace Fairness Act would have opened the door to a new era of state tax burdens under the guise of the principle of “economic nexus.”  

December 17, 2014

'The Most Unkindest Cut of All?' Yes, But a Different Victim

The IRS had its budget cut in the continuing resolution this year and immediately the press and many liberal groups called the reduction outrageous, but the cruelest cut was saved for the taxpayer.

December 11, 2014

CRomnibus in Context

For conservatives, there are a surprising number of policy victories in the "CRomnibus."

December 3, 2014

To Grow The Economy, Reject New Internet Taxes

It’s clear that voters want a different direction from Washington, and that different direction certainly doesn’t include higher taxes on the Internet.

November 19, 2014

Stopping the Wind PTC Zombie Apocalypse

Congress should pass an extenders package and resolve to move on fundamental tax reform during the next Congress. But that package should not include the PTC.

November 13, 2014

'Lame Duck' Internet Betrayal?

Imagine the surprise that online customers will receive when the lame duck Senate massively expands government power via the Internet.

October 29, 2014

Reforming Tax Reform Thinking

Comprehensive reform should be the goal, not necessarily one piece of comprehensive legislation.

October 20, 2014

Black Thursday Is Coming in December: Politicians Want Green, Taxpayers Will See Red!

A tax increase is usually the result of Congress acting; in this case Americans will get an estimated $14.7 billion tax increase next year if Congress doesn't act—by passing an extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act. The obstacle to this extension is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has his own tax-increase legislation, the Mainstreet Fairness Act.

October 1, 2014

State Tax Competition is Both Good Policy and It's Constitutional

Some people want the federal government to restrict the states from engaging in exactly the kind of activity, such as tax competition, that the Constitution reserves to the states.

September 25, 2014

On the Wrong Side of Tax History

With its just announced anti-inversion tax regulations, the Obama administration has simply dug in deeper on the wrong side of tax history.

Total Records: 599