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May 6, 2015

Backsliding on Spending Restraint

If Republicans backslide over spending restraint, they will betray their voters, devalue their political brand, and validate the accusations of their sternest Tea Party critics.

April 8, 2015

Want Lower Taxes? You Might Want to Move

by Andrew Parker

If you want lower taxes you have three options...and one might involve a moving truck.

March 12, 2015

Blame Congress, Not TurboTax, for Tax Fraud

Washington has never made fraud prevention a major focus. When fraud arises after its failure to act, the government blames tax preparation software.

January 21, 2015

It's Really, Really Time to Ban Internet Discrimination Forever

Congress has a clear choice: Make complete and permanent the ban on Internet access and multiple or discriminatory taxes online, encouraging broadband access and e-commerce, or turn away from that national priority and allow the pro-tax thugs to loot our digital future.

January 8, 2015

Watching How the U.S.Treats Its Own States, Other Countries Could Learn How to Loot the U.S.

The Marketplace Fairness Act would have opened the door to a new era of state tax burdens under the guise of the principle of “economic nexus.”  

December 17, 2014

'The Most Unkindest Cut of All?' Yes, But a Different Victim

The IRS had its budget cut in the continuing resolution this year and immediately the press and many liberal groups called the reduction outrageous, but the cruelest cut was saved for the taxpayer.

December 11, 2014

CRomnibus in Context

For conservatives, there are a surprising number of policy victories in the "CRomnibus."

December 3, 2014

To Grow The Economy, Reject New Internet Taxes

It’s clear that voters want a different direction from Washington, and that different direction certainly doesn’t include higher taxes on the Internet.

November 19, 2014

Stopping the Wind PTC Zombie Apocalypse

Congress should pass an extenders package and resolve to move on fundamental tax reform during the next Congress. But that package should not include the PTC.

November 13, 2014

'Lame Duck' Internet Betrayal?

Imagine the surprise that online customers will receive when the lame duck Senate massively expands government power via the Internet.

Total Records: 603