Reforming Tax Reform Thinking
Comprehensive reform should be the goal, not necessarily one piece of comprehensive legislation.
Black Thursday Is Coming in December: Politicians Want Green, Taxpayers Will See Red!
A tax increase is usually the result of Congress acting; in this case Americans will get an estimated $14.7 billion tax increase next year if Congress doesn't act—by passing an extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act. The obstacle to this extension is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has his own tax-increase legislation, the Mainstreet Fairness Act.
State Tax Competition is Both Good Policy and It's Constitutional
Some people want the federal government to restrict the states from engaging in exactly the kind of activity, such as tax competition, that the Constitution reserves to the states.
On the Wrong Side of Tax History
With its just announced anti-inversion tax regulations, the Obama administration has simply dug in deeper on the wrong side of tax history.
Saving Our Savings
To save our savings, government needs only to get out of the way.
Muddled Morality and a Whopper of a Tale
An anti-inversion law that ignores broader tax reform might be legal but certainly is not the right thing to do.
So Much for the European Model
Americans in almost every income class are better off than their European counterparts.
The Corporate Tax Mess Is Worse than You Thought
Focusing on our too-high corporate tax rate doesn’t tell the whole story—our corporate tax code also imposes enormous compliance costs on the U.S. economy.
More Taxes? Gulp! Or Maybe Big Gulp.
This November the residents of Berkeley, California, will vote on a first-of-its-kind tax on distributors of sugar-sweetened beverages. Instead of offering saccharine speeches and sweet promises these pro-tax, government-control activists should be honest with their constituents.
Inverting the Inversion Discussion
It’s time to invert the discussion about inversions: It’s about a bad tax code, not bad companies.