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November 6, 2013

Did the Sequester Hurt the Economy?

The sky didn’t fall, job creation picked up instead of slowing down, and in the process we’ve managed to begin the process of restraining federal spending.

October 30, 2013

The GAO and New Tax Math: Computation By Deception

We need tax reform, and we need fact-finding government agencies to bring forward the facts instead of biased or misleading analysis.

October 23, 2013

Why Not Personal Accounts?

Personal Retirement Accounts (PRAs) should be the core of any conservative proposal for entitlement reform.

October 16, 2013

Reporting on Corporate Taxes: Two Half Truths Equal a Misrepresentation

Corporations pay a range of local, state and international taxes regardless of their federal tax liability which is not found in corporate reports. So, what is with these headlines about companies not paying much tax? Only half-truths.

October 2, 2013

Laffer's Curve-ball

Passing a law that radically expands the scope of government and then hoping, assuming, that all states will do the right thing is a set up to be thrown a real economic curve ball.

September 25, 2013

Carbon Taxes: Wrong Solution to the Wrong Problem

For the United States to place a punitive tax on carbon would be like Brazil putting a punitive tax on beaches.

September 18, 2013

Make It Permanent

Congress can make permanent the ban on Internet access and multiple or discriminatory taxes online, or allow the pro-tax thugs the chance to loot our digital future.

September 11, 2013

Why Are Companies Hoarding Cash?

There’s an enormous supply of cash that could be put to work in the economy. It dwarfs the size of any stimulus plan fantasized about by the wildest of Keynesian cheerleaders. But this administration just doesn’t get it.

September 5, 2013


Citizens are irritated by the current tax system. Can it be a surprise then that some people are ready to uproot the source of the problems and start over?

August 21, 2013

Let's Play: Who's the Constitutionalist?

Of all constituencies, the Tea Party should instinctively understand what’s wrong with the Marketplace Fairness Act

Total Records: 599