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June 26, 2013

We Can't Afford this Tax System

We can simply no longer afford an uncompetitive corporate tax rate that is wildly out of whack with our international competitors.

June 19, 2013

Tax Competition and the Film Tax Credit

Tax policy is one way in which the states compete. Ideally, states would compete on the basis of overall low tax rates; however, in practice that has never been the case. Tax credits, which essentially mitigate the harm of high tax rates, are thus the most common tools states use to compete with each other in tax policy.

June 11, 2013

Time to Stop the Wireless Tax Grab

The Wireless Tax Fairness Act, newly reintroduced this week, would put a five-year moratorium on any new state and local discriminatory wireless taxes.

May 22, 2013

In Corporate Taxation, You Reap What You Sow

Instead of engaging in easy demagoguery, Congress should modernize our tax code to reflect the reality of global competition, capital mobility, and the fact that U.S. companies today do the majority of their business overseas.

May 15, 2013

Trust the IRS With Your Personal Information?

With a large, powerful, intrusive government, your freedom is only as secure as the virtue of whatever mid-level functionary whose path you are so unfortunate as to cross.

April 17, 2013

Don't Let the IRS Prepare Your Taxes

Giving the IRS the power to prepare our taxes for us is not a solution—it will open the door to abuse, overpayment of taxes and would further erode financial privacy.

March 27, 2013

Okay, We Take It Back

Based on the Senate budget resolution passed early Saturday morning, we were better off when the Senate didn’t pass budgets.

March 13, 2013

Good Policy Is Still Good Politics

By showing that they are serious about restraining the growth of government spending, Republicans leaders have made themselves relevant again.

March 6, 2013

How About a Real World Tax Code?

Instead of allowing the IRS to waste billions and become even more oppressive through a Real Time Tax System, Congress should design a Real World Tax Code, which would make both the IRS’s and the taxpayers’ jobs easier.

February 27, 2013

The Sequester "Cuts" Are Not Even Really Cuts

Wasting $850 billion is just fine with the Government Class, but claw back 5 percent of it and it’s a zombie apocalypse—of course, since the federal government funded first responder training for a zombie apocalypse, we should still be okay.

Total Records: 603