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February 20, 2013

Sequester Sanity

Embrace the sequester as the first meaningful restraint on federal spending in almost twenty years. In fact, let’s start planning the next one.

February 13, 2013

President Price Hike

Unlike typical government meddling in prices, President Obama’s policies always seem designed to make prices higher.

February 6, 2013

Who's Afraid of the Sequester?

Any politician who can’t stomach the sequester cuts—which aren’t nearly large enough to put us on a sustainable fiscal path—isn’t serious about restraining federal spending. Let the sequester happen.

January 16, 2013

Freezing Out the Deficit

A real, across-the-board federal spending freeze, exempting nothing, would balance the budget without tax increases and would equalize the sacrifice without pitting special interests against each other.

January 10, 2013

The Magic Coin

Using a legal loophole to violate the intent of Congress with a magic $1 trillion platinum coin would have far more dangerous results than anything resulting from the debt ceiling standoff.

December 12, 2012

How to Cut Spending

If people believe that government is too big and spends too much money, why can’t we build political support for spending cuts?

December 5, 2012

It's Really About Control

Calls for higher taxes on the wealthy are not really about “fairness,” but rather are about who controls and directs capital in our economy—capitalists themselves or government elites?

November 28, 2012

Papering Over Failure--with Your Money

Congress and the President have failed—utterly—to run a government that operates within a reasonable level that the American economy can afford to fund. When they talk about raising taxes, they are just trying to paper over their failures—with your money.

November 7, 2012

Gazing Into the Abyss

The election was an opportunity for the American people to pull back from the abyss formed by all of these “cliffs” we face. But instead of stepping back from the abyss, it appears that the American people have decided take a step closer, lean forward, and gaze into the abyss.

November 2, 2012

Tax and Loot Policies

Governor Haslam of Tennessee was “surprised” to hear he had a failing fiscal grade and has argued that his tax increases were for the kids. When a politician uses kids as defense, grab your liberties and your wallet, as you are about to lose at least one. In this case, in the Main Street Fairness Act, politicians have found a way to take both.

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