Economic Growth Is Job #1
The incoming president and Congress must take immediate steps to stimulate real economic growth, which will make pursuing the rest of their agenda and solving our other problems possible, and easier.
Of Course It Can Work
The reason Obama and Biden are convinced Romney’s tax plan cannot work is that having failed themselves to grow the economy, they are defining economic growth out of the equation.
Sweden Gets It
What government should be asking is: Would we rather have 22 percent of a thriving, growing business sector, or 35 percent of a moribund, struggling business sector?
The IRS in Real-Time
The IRS’s proposed “Real-Time Tax System” will result in a nightmare of compliance, increased IRS spending, and ultimately the loss of our system of voluntary tax compliance.
Are Machines More Important than People?
The tax code should treat investment in human capital at least on par with investment in physical capital.
Now, with More Math!
With the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s companion on the Republican presidential ticket, it’s clear math will play a major role in the fall campaign. But who’s got the right math?
Tolerating the Tax Gap
The Internet Tax Is Back
Although all 50 states report an increase in tax receipts they want more, and are trying to get more via the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act, even if it involves trampling on Supreme Court precedent.
Preventing Another Tax Disaster
It’s time for the federal government to step up and protect consumers from the threat of unfair, duplicative taxes on their digital purchases.
Tax Rules for the Information Superhighway
Pro-tax forces across the country see broadband as yet another goose to be plucked.