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June 6, 2012

Is One Percent Really Too Much To Ask?

The "Penny Plan" does what everyone knows needs to be done—sets the federal government’s fiscal house in order and restrains government to a reasonable share of GDP.

May 23, 2012

Capital Controls

Instead of dealing with the root cause, Senator Schumer is acting like a tyrant and attacking those who flee his oppression.

May 17, 2012

So Much for Courage

Once again, conservatives have attempted to eliminate a government program that creates economic distortions and puts taxpayers at risk; and once again the Washington establishment has cut their legs out from under them.

May 9, 2012


Higher taxes on the wealthy and the productive don't deliver, and in fact lead to capital and talent flight, as France is about to find out.

May 2, 2012

What's Apple To Do?

It should NOT surprise us that innovative companies find ways to solve the problems created by our tax code.

April 18, 2012

Taxmageddon Cometh

On January 1, 2013, a dizzying array of tax cuts, deductions and exemptions are scheduled to expire. Estimates of the impact on a typical working class family range from between $1,750 and $3,800 in additional taxes next year alone.

April 11, 2012

The Exception That Does Not Prove the Buffett Rule

A closer examination suggests that Buffett and his secretary present an exceptional and perhaps questionable anecdote rather than a pattern.

March 21, 2012

Time for Ex-Im to Ex-it

The Export Import Bank is an example of moral hazard, and the law of unintended consequences.

March 14, 2012

Tax Competition is a Virtue

The United States should not to try to stifle international tax competition, but rather should get back in the game by lowering business tax rates and freeing U.S. businesses to compete internationally.

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