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March 17, 2011

The 1 Percent Solution

If the solution to your family’s financial problems were to cut spending by only 1 percent, could you do it? Of course you could.

March 10, 2011

Tax Reform—But to What End?

Tax reform is back in the public policy discussion again, and that’s a good thing.
February 24, 2011

Wisconsin Governor 'Union Busting'?

It should be no shock that The Last Stand of the Government Class begins in Madison, Wis.
February 10, 2011

Jobs Are Job #1

Republicans rightly understand that the voter passion that carried them to a historic victory in last November’s election was driven largely by concerns about federal spending and Obamacare.
January 20, 2011

An R&D Tax Credit That Works

Congress has, once again, at the last minute extended the research and development tax credit for a single year, making it retroactive to Dec 31, 2009 (when Congress allowed it to lapse) and extending it until the end of 2011.
December 14, 2010

Don’t Let This Failed Congress Control the Next Budget

The next issue before the Senate is funding the federal government.
December 7, 2010

Is the Payroll Tax Cut a Good Idea?

One of the proposed provisions in the deal to extend the Bush tax cuts is a temporary 2 percentage-point reduction in the Social Security payroll tax, from 6.
November 30, 2010

Medicare Reform Is on the Table Once Again

The financial disaster facing the country if it doesn’t get control of entitlement spending has made discussion of Medicare reform fashionable again.
November 23, 2010

A Bold Proposal from the Deficit Commission

Now we're talking! The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform's (aka, the Deficit Commission) "Zero Plan" for personal and corporate income tax reform puts an excellent option on the table.
November 16, 2010

How the Economy Is Like a Cessna

Members of Congress return to Washington this week for the so-called lame duck session.

Total Records: 603