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November 3, 2010

Puerto Rico Raises Taxes and U.S. Conservatives Are Happy

The governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuno, has just pulled a fast one--literally.
October 26, 2010

A New Way to Steal Your 401(k)s and IRAs

Earlier this month Sen.
October 19, 2010

Fed-Up Yet?

The Federal Reserve Bank under Ben Bernanke is hinting that it will pump billions of dollars into the economy by buying up U.
October 12, 2010

Rule of Law or Rule of Favor?

The 2,700-page health care bill passed last March is filled with efforts to micromanage the health care system.
October 5, 2010

Farewell to Welfare Reform

When the Los Angeles Times can report that California welfare recipients withdrew $1.
September 28, 2010

Three Months Left to Die

If you have even a moderate-sized estate or business, and you are callous enough to want to leave a financial legacy to your children, you have three months to die.
September 21, 2010

Death to the Temporary Tax Cut!

Since when did Washington become so enamored with temporary tax cuts? “Temporary” seems to be all the buzz these days, even though there’s zero evidence that temporary tax cuts work.
September 14, 2010

Secretary Strikes Back as ObamaCare Strikes Out

Heath and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is striking back at health insurers who aren't getting on board with ObamaCare.
September 7, 2010

A ‘Non-Stimulus’ Stimulus Package that Might Just Stimulate

President Obama is out this week with three proposals for stimulating—oops, forgot we weren't supposed to use that word—for creating jobs.
August 31, 2010

Can States Break the Cycle of Dependency?

President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” taught us what happens when well-meaning (to give them benefit of the doubt) politicians and bureaucrats create a welfare system that rewards those who shun work, while punishing those who try to take responsibility for themselves.

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