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August 24, 2010

Hubris and Taxes

Hardly a day goes by without a story in some newspaper discussing some state’s dire financial straits.
August 17, 2010

Green Dream or Green Nightmare?

The Rev.
August 10, 2010

Who Trusts the Trustees?

Last week the Obama administration finally released the Medicare Trustees’ report on the financial status of Medicare, and Democrats immediately gloated how ObamaCare enhances Medicare’s financial position.
August 3, 2010

At 45, Medicare Isn’t Aging Very Well

Medicare turned 45 last week, and let’s just say that the years have not been kind.
July 27, 2010

The King of Budget Deficits

The Obama administration released its 2010 budget estimate last Friday, after most of the press had gone home for the weekend.
July 20, 2010

Please Don’t Feed the Lame Ducks

Parliamentary systems seem to have at least one design advantage over our American system—they dissolve their governments before an election, so that a “lame duck” government can’t engage in legislative mischief after having already been rejected by the voters.
July 13, 2010

Christmas Surprise

You’ve heard of the “October surprise,” when politicians pull some stunt right before an election to try and salvage it.
July 6, 2010

When Flips Don’t Flop

President Obama and the Democratic leadership, as well as many of the Washington chattering class, seem to agree: Failure to throw even more money at the economy will prove disastrous for Democrats in November.
June 29, 2010

Making European Socialists Blush

After President Obama’s election, conservatives were afraid he would drag the U.
June 22, 2010

Testing Your Knowledge of Economics

George Mason University economist Daniel Klein recently sponsored a Zogby poll of nearly 5,000 adults who were asked some basic economic questions.

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