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June 15, 2010

A Penny Saved Is a Penny Not Spent—on Politics

When a child wastes his allowance on foolish things, wise and prudent parents will be reluctant to hand over more money if that child comes begging.
June 8, 2010

Obama and Musgrave’s Iron Law of Economics

It’s not that often we get to praise the Obama administration, so when we get a chance we take it—which is what we’re doing here … sort of.
June 1, 2010

Debunk and Defund

Republicans have kicked off their ObamaCare “repeal and replace” campaign, but there will likely be neither repeal nor replace unless Republicans control both Congress and the White House, and that’s 2012 at best — if then.
May 25, 2010

How Washington Hammers Early Retirees

So you’re 62 years old and have been downsized, laid off or forced into early retirement because of the struggling economy.
May 18, 2010

Cut to the Revolution

The House Republican leadership has just announced You Cut (http://republicanwhip.

May 10, 2010

The Biggest Loser … and Winner

The California state legislature has adopted almost every loony liberal idea floating around, and even some that aren’t floating around.
May 4, 2010

A Short, Painful Lesson on ‘Benefits Cuts’

On Fox News Sunday, anchor Chris Wallace asked Florida U.
April 27, 2010

Who Needs Sustainable Entitlements?

One of the real “sleeper” threats included in the recently passed health care reform bill is the Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act, which creates a voluntary -opt-out program to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities.
April 20, 2010

Two Cheers for Wyden-Gregg

There are two things we really like about the “Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act of 2010,” introduced by Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Judd Gregg (R-NH): the fairness and the simplification.

April 13, 2010

Who’s Afraid of April 15?

What if most Americans didn’t owe any income tax? Would April 15 still be the object of scorn and derision? Well, that’s exactly the direction we’re headed in.

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