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December 14, 2009

Hard Choices

President Obama keeps claiming he’s willing to “make the hard choices.
December 8, 2009

Sink the Bismarck

President Obama’s claim that health care costs are growing so fast that “doing nothing is not an option” would be a little more believable if he could point to a country that has been able to “bend the curve” on health care spending.
December 1, 2009

The Best Way to Control Spending Is to … Stop Spending

Some Republicans and Democrats, including Sen.
November 24, 2009

"How Bad Can It Be?" We’re Finding Out

There’s maybe 15 new taxes in Senator Harry Reid’s health care plan, including new taxes on: “Cadillac plans” (that is expensive, not necessarily rich-benefit plans); Medical devices and cosmetic surgery (oops, there went the Hollywood vote); Drug companies, health insurers and insurance executives; New limits on contributions to flexible spending accounts and increased penalties on non-qualified health savings account expenses; Individuals who don’t buy and employers who don’t provide health insurance; And, of course, high-income earners, and much more.
November 17, 2009

Are the Blue Dogs Fiscal Conservatives?

It’s time to expose the lie that the Blue Dog Democrats—a coalition of 52 supposedly fiscally conservative House Democrats—are concerned about federal spending and the budget.
November 3, 2009

Would the Real ‘Biggest Tax Increase in History’ Please Stand Up?

Most politicians would wince at being accused of trying to push the biggest tax increase in U.
October 27, 2009

Does Anyone Care about the Constitution?

Has Washington completely abandoned any effort to stay within the parameters established by the U.
October 22, 2009

All Tricks, No Treats

With all the political tricks flying around Washington this week you’d think it was Halloween, but we still have more than a week to go.
October 13, 2009

The Stimulus We Need

Eight months ago, when the Democrats and the administration rammed through the $787 billion stimulus package, the public was lectured that the massive spending bill was needed to “save or create” jobs and stop the rise in unemployment.
October 6, 2009

The Future Is Here

Here’s another casualty of the economic downturn: Social Security.

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