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July 21, 2009

On Ham and Health Care Reform

Yesterday we learned that, in order to “stimulate the economy,” the federal government spent millions of dollars buying boiled ham.
July 14, 2009

Can Pork Make You Healthier?

Well, who couldn’t have seen this one coming? Presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on ending Washington’s culture of earmarks, where members of Congress specify how much and for which projects federal money will be spent in their respective states.
July 7, 2009

When Politics Trumps Science and Economics

Congress has passed a massive “cap and trade” energy bill designed to raise the price of energy in the U.
June 30, 2009

Should We Cap the Health Insurance Tax Exclusion?

President Obama has been taking some political licks for backtracking on his campaign opposition to taxing employee health benefits.
June 22, 2009

The Media and Medicare

We’ve been scanning the headlines for even a hint of media outrage and we’re coming up empty.
June 16, 2009

Affordable Coverage Starting at $60k

Well, whatever else can be said about health care reform, it now seems clear it won’t be cheap.
June 9, 2009

Patching TARP

Both Democrats and Republicans are coming together to support increased transparency in how funds are being distributed through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
June 2, 2009

The Next New Entitlement Program?

The Wall Street Journal reports that Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Committee, will soon introduce his disability program known as the CLASS Act.
May 26, 2009

When Cutting Spending is Bad

Regular readers know that we tend to promote less government spending.
May 19, 2009

Obama’s War

Note: The Institute for Policy Innovation will be highlighting trade issues this week in recognition of World Trade Week.

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