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May 12, 2009

The Employer-in-Chief

Now we’re beginning to see how President Obama plans to “create or save 3 million jobs.
May 5, 2009

The Low-Tax Scold

President Obama is proposing a radical restructuring of how the federal government taxes money earned and held by U.
April 28, 2009

When Reconciliation Leads to Division

It appears that Democrats in Congress have decided to use the budget reconciliation process—which allows the Senate to approve legislation with 51 votes rather than the 60 needed to quash a filibuster—in their effort to pass sweeping health care reform legislation.
April 21, 2009

A Picture Is Worth Two Trillion Dollars

We have been warning that the budget deficit being pushed through by this administration and Democratic-led Congress is unfathomable.

April 14, 2009

It’s for Our Children’s Children

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected them with another … a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
April 7, 2009

One Small Step for Legislation, One Giant Leap for Socialized Medicine

One of the more contentious issues to emerge so far in the health care reform debate is what President Obama has referred to as the “public plan.
March 31, 2009

Ten Tax Facts for Tax Day Tea Parties

President Barack Obama and the U.
March 24, 2009

Is Congress Facing Its Own Katrina Moment?

So now the Democrat-controlled Congress is pumping money out of Washington in an effort to stem a catastrophe—and lots of bad press.
March 17, 2009

The Exclusion Intrusion

The New York Times reports that the Obama administration is open to the idea of taxing some employee health insurance benefits.
March 10, 2009

Mr. President, Could You Explain That One More Time?

“If we want to create jobs and rebuild our economy, then we must address the crushing cost of healthcare this year, in this administration,” President Barack Obama recently claimed.

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