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March 3, 2009

President Obama Is No Jack Kennedy (or Clinton, or Reagan)

The election of Barack Obama has sometimes been characterized as a return of John F.
February 24, 2009

Worse Than You Can Imagine

We thought we should highlight a recent USA Today story because, well, the public needs to know … and the politicians are trying to ignore it.

February 17, 2009

The Stimulus Package that No One Knows

It is now officially President Barack Obama’s economy.
February 10, 2009

Doing Marx Proud

In 2001 the federal estate tax, more accurately dubbed the “death tax,” assessed a levy of 55 percent on savings left at death over $1 million.
February 3, 2009

The ‘Divider Effect’

Defenders of the economic stimulus package have shifted from being disingenuous to just plain crazy talk.
January 27, 2009

A COBRA That Could Bite Back

Out of the $825 billion House version of the proposed economic stimulus package, $157 billion is tagged for health care.
January 20, 2009

The Emperor’s ‘Stimulus Bill’ Has No Clothes

The new Congress has a housewarming present ready for President Obama—a whopping $825 billion spending package that reflects the majority’s spending priorities and also helps the new president fulfill some of his campaign promises.
January 13, 2009

Making Keynes Proud

The media reports that President-elect Barack Obama plans to propose a whopping $310 billion in tax cuts as part of his overall $775 billion stimulus package.
January 6, 2009

The Dumb Luck of a Do-Nothing Congress

How many times this past year did you hear some expert make some variation of the following statement: “We’ll never see gas prices below $X again.
December 16, 2008

The Only Effective Auto Bailout

No sooner had Senate Republicans killed a bailout for the Big Three automakers than the Bush administration indicated that it might be willing to tap perhaps $15 billion of the original $700 billion bailout to hand over to the car companies.

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