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December 9, 2008

Barack Obama’s Hidden Tax Increase

During the presidential campaign Barack Obama claimed that under his tax plan 95 percent of working Americans would get a tax cut.
December 2, 2008

A Crisis of the Uninsured … um, Pets?

The headline of the Nov.
November 25, 2008

The Silver Lining in the State Fiscal Crisis

Many people are bemoaning the current financial crisis facing most states.

November 18, 2008

Too Big NOT to Fail

While the conventional wisdom among most Democrats and many pundits is that the Big Three auto manufacturers are too big to fail, we wonder if they are too big not to fail.
November 4, 2008

Is Tax Reform Dead?

For years the Institute for Policy Innovation has supported fundamental tax reform, such as the suggested “flat” income tax.
October 28, 2008

Something to Remember Ted Kennedy

So what do you do if you’re Barack Obama and you’ve just been elected president of the United States and you’ve promised to spend a gazillion dollars to improve education and health care and the infrastructure and to hand out “tax cuts” (many of which will actually be income transfers) to 95 percent of the public? And you’re fiscally constrained because the government is bailing out or buying out banks left and right? What you need is some serious new inflows of cash, you need it fast, and, contrary to everything you’ve claimed on the campaign trail, you know you can’t get it all by dinging the people making over $250k.
October 21, 2008

The Free Market’s Greatest Challenge

As best we can tell, the free market had little or nothing to do with the banking crisis that has caused panic throughout the world.
October 14, 2008

A 12-Step Plan for Congressional Spendaholics

Because so many members of Congress have drunk deeply from the big-spending troughs of Washington—especially after many of them campaigned as fiscal hawks—we think it’s time for them to step forward, confess their failures and get right with the U.

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