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September 4, 2007

California Scheming

Back in California, things are heating up between the big-spending Republican governor, who wants a massive new health care program that will cost taxpayers an estimated $12 billion to get “universal health care,” and the big-spending Democrat-controlled legislature that wants to require employers to spend at least 7.
August 28, 2007

Moral Hazards to Taxpayers and to Our Culture

We’re hearing a lot about “moral hazard” in the news these days.
August 21, 2007

A Home Run for the IRS

Take me out to the ballgame, Take me out to the crowd.
August 14, 2007

A Defining Issue for Conservatives

The conservative movement has been adrift for the past several years, in part because it was closely tied to Republicans who claimed to embrace conservative principles about limited government, lower taxes and spending, increased choice in education and health care, and on several other points.
August 7, 2007

Our Frog Is Cooked

Make no mistake about it, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) bills that recently passed both the U.
July 31, 2007

Accepting the Challenge for a New Entitlement Debate

Newsweek columnist Robert Samuelson this week used his column to assail both politicians and think tanks for avoiding dealing with the reality of the coming entitlement Armageddon.

July 24, 2007

The Right Way to Increase Oil Tax Revenue

You know the old saying that no good deed goes unpunished.
July 17, 2007

Money In, Money Out

Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont.
July 10, 2007

Millions of Shoes, and One Tax to Boot

One of the problems that arises when a government passes lots of laws—and here Congress is an overachiever—is that things change over time.
June 26, 2007

The Energy Bill: Higher Gas Prices and Lower Approval Ratings

With gas prices at uncomfortably high levels, politicians have been trying to make political points off them.

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