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June 19, 2007

In Defense of FEMA (Kinda)

USA Today is reporting that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) overpaid victims of Hurricane Katrina by $485 million.
June 12, 2007

The Real Issue Behind the Immigration Debate

It’s getting to be a little difficult to engage in a calm, reasoned discussion of costs and benefits of immigration.
June 5, 2007

Obama Plays His (Losing) Hand

Well, the Democratic presidential candidates appear to be agreed on one thing: they will have to repeal President Bush’s tax cuts in 2010 to pay for their forays into government-run health care.
May 29, 2007

An Easy Way to Cut State Spending

What if a state legislature decided it wanted to return some of the taxpayers’ hard-earned money? Hey, it could happen! What could the legislature do? Tax Freedom Day? Cutting the sales or income tax? A property tax cut? And where might legislators find some savings? How about passing school choice legislation.
May 22, 2007

The Long Road Home

Uh-oh! In that never-ending saga of “Have Republicans learned the lesson of the 2006 elections?” the answer is apparently .
May 15, 2007

One Step Closer to Socialized Medicine?

Democrats are claiming they want to throw at least another $50 billion over five years at the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which comes up for reauthorization soon.
May 8, 2007

Don’t ‘Prop’ Up Property Taxes

Do we need a national Proposition 13? “Prop 13,” as it was known, was enacted in California in June 1978 — about 30 years ago.
May 1, 2007

When Taxpayers Get ‘Malled’

Millions of Americans go to shopping malls every day and hand over their hard-earned dollars.
April 24, 2007

AARP: Privatizing for Profit

$185 million! That’s how much AARP estimates it makes on average in royalties and revenues from the sale of health insurance products, according to an article in USA today.
April 17, 2007

Taxpayer Dollars and Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Without any apparent sense of irony, many newspapers last week ran adjoining stories about human stem cells.

Total Records: 599