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April 10, 2007

The ‘Campaign’ for Bad Policy

Here’s an idea that would save Americans billions of dollars.
April 3, 2007

What Does Mexico Know that We Don’t?

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is close to achieving a legislative victory by reforming Mexico’s pay-as-you-go public pension system covering 2.
March 27, 2007

Stop the Raid!

On March 22, the Senate defeated an amendment by Senator DeMint (R-SC) that would have made it possible under the Congressional Budget Resolution for the Congress to stop spending Social Security surpluses on other government programs and begin saving the Social Security surplus for future generations.
March 21, 2007

The New Wild, Wild West: Scoring Federal Revenue and Spending

In considering whether to pass a bill, Congress relies on the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to estimate, or “score,” the effects the proposed legislation would have on tax revenues and government spending.
March 13, 2007

Breaking the Tobacco (Tax) Habit

Question: When does not raising a tax increase state revenue? Answer: When other states are increasing that tax.
March 6, 2007

Higher Taxes and Worse Health Care

The New York Times recently released a poll showing that a majority wants the government to guarantee health insurance coverage to every American.
February 27, 2007

State Pensions Are also Drowning in Unfunded Liability

So you think Social Security is facing an unfunded liability crisis? Well, you’re right.
February 20, 2007

Pop Goes the (Earmark) Weasel

You know how when you squeeze a balloon it just pops out some place out? And then you squeeze it there and out pops a different bulge? That’s what’s happening in earmark reform.
February 6, 2007

When a Presidential Candidate Oversells His Plan

As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney (R) shepherded through his universal health care reform plan that is now being cited as a model for other states.
January 30, 2007

Who Will Lead?

President Bush will deliver his budget to Congress next week, which will be followed by 10 months of pandering, earmarking, name calling and fussing until Congress finally decides to .

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