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January 23, 2007

Finally, a Little Tax Fairness

The health insurance tax reform President Bush plans to announce in tonight’s State of the Union address is the most radical and yet simplest proposal to emerge in decades.
January 16, 2007

CBO to the Rescue

“Democrats claim the government could save as much as $190 billion over the next 10 years if it negotiated [prescription drug prices] directly.
January 9, 2007

A Low Price to Pay for a Minimum Wage Increase

Now that Democrats control Congress, they are pushing forward with a minimum wage increase.
December 12, 2006

AMT Relief--Next Time, Perhaps for All?

On Friday, the departing Congress passed a tax bill that extended several important tax provisions, including extending the R&D tax credit, the deductibility of state sales taxes, and tax breaks for teachers and families paying college tuition.
December 5, 2006

Is Congress Going to the Dogs? We Can Hope!

What we need is some “Red Dog Republicans”! When Congress reconvenes in January, Democrats will be in the majority in both the House and Senate.
November 28, 2006

An Easier—and Cheaper—Way to Reduce Poverty

Want to reduce poverty in your state? Then reduce state spending—and taxes.
November 21, 2006

Are Democrats Becoming the Party of Lower Taxes?, Part II

It’s too soon to know if their words will be followed by actions, but some of the Democrats’ words sound pretty good.
November 14, 2006

Are Democrats Becoming the Party of Lower Taxes?

It’s probably fair to say that one of the reasons the Republicans lost so heavily last week is that on government spending, entitlement programs and earmarks, they abandoned their historic positions.
November 7, 2006

What Voters Should Have Been Thinking About on Election Day

The campaigning is just about over, the pollsters have either succeeded or failed, and by now voters have decided what their concerns are on this election day.
October 31, 2006

Bad Policies Never Die; They Just Move to Harvard

So that’s why President Bush’s proposal to bring personal accounts to Social Security went down the tubes! As the chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisors from 2003 to 2005, Dr.

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