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October 24, 2006

The Dark Reasons Behind Light Rail

If you live on the construction route of a light rail system in a major municipality you feel like you are in the middle of a war zone, where blockades and cratered streets abound.
October 17, 2006

Medicaid Spending’s Down and State Revenues Are Up—Be Concerned!

Uh oh! We may be in for one of those good-news-is-bad-news scenarios.
October 10, 2006

How Much Is a Year of Life Worth?

Let’s say you were wrongly convicted of a crime and sent to prison.
October 3, 2006

Consumers Are Profiting; Call an Investigation!

How’s this for a conspiracy? Millions of greedy people have conspired to reduce the standard of living for a whole class of good, solid Americans.
September 26, 2006

It’s the Price Controls, Stupid

It’s sad—really, really sad—that U.
September 19, 2006

Better Care for Veterans

Well, there goes $2.
September 5, 2006

Mexico on the Move—Maybe

Mexico is a country that is just briming with economic possibilities, but they remain largely unrealized.
August 29, 2006

Bye, Bye, Dubai?

No surprise, perhaps, that the House and Senate have—without much debate and no opposing voices—come up with well-meaning legislation that will only throw more sand into the gears of global commerce.
August 22, 2006

Lessons from Pension Reform

Question: What’s the first lesson we learn from the recently passed Pension Protection Act? Answer: That most of the critics of allowing workers to deposit their Social Security contributions in a personal account either don’t have a clue about the retirement system or they simply wanted to undermine President Bush’s attempt to reform Social Security for political reasons—or both.
August 15, 2006

Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyists

Wait, this can’t be.

Total Records: 599