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May 9, 2006

Sugar Daddies in Search of a Vote

To paraphrase Mark Twain, poor legislation can spread across the country while good sense and logic are still putting on their shoes.
May 2, 2006

A Modest Proposal for Lowering Oil Company Profits

With gasoline hitting $3.
April 25, 2006

Welding the State of New York

Maybe experience inspires innovation.
April 18, 2006

The Only Real Solution to Illegal Immigration

Want the immigration issue to move off the front pages? There isa solution.
April 11, 2006

Which Country Believes in Free Markets? Not Who You’d Think!

Which country is most supportive of free-market principles? No, it’s not America.
April 4, 2006

Looking for Margaret Thatcher

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is but a fading memory — at least when it comes to British taxes.
March 28, 2006

Taxing Capitalists to Fight Capitalism

While U.
March 21, 2006

Will Gov. Romney Keep His No-New-Taxes Pledge?

Republicans are supposed to provide a check on the big-government impulses of their Democratic brethren aren’t they? Oh, yea, forgot about Congress.
March 7, 2006

The Sickest Tax of All

Brand name pharmaceutical manufacturers are constantly berated by activists for not doing enough to help poor countries get essential medicines.
March 1, 2006

Small (and Lower) Is Beautiful

Entrepreneurs—where would the economy be without them? Nowhere.

Total Records: 599