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May 10, 2005

Do We Want to Let the VAT Out of the Bag?

With tax reform on the agenda in Washington, or at least in the White House, this is the season for proposals.
May 3, 2005

Why Judicial Appointments Matter

Democrats have cooked up the so-called judicial filibuster to subvert several of President Bush’s nominations to the federal bench, which means that Republicans must find 60 votes just to have an up-or-down vote.
April 26, 2005

Taxing Times

Will The New York Timesever understand economics? Not if a recent column by Fortunemagazine writer Anna Bernasek, published in the NYT, is any indication.
April 19, 2005

A ‘Dog Bites (Tax) Man’ Story

A recent poll by The Associated Press “reveals” the tax code is too complex, according to the public.
April 12, 2005

Galveston, Oh Galveston!

It’s rather curious that the Social Security debate has come this far without President Bush pointing out that employees of three Texas counties replaced Social Security with personal retirement accounts nearly 25 years ago.
April 5, 2005

Refusing to Learn from History,

Democrats and their allies are pulling out all the stops in their efforts to derail President Bush’s plan to make private retirement accounts a part of the Social Security system.
March 29, 2005

When Cesspools Become Hot Tubs

If you had to state the difference between the two political parties, you might be tempted to say Democrats favor more spending, Republicans favor limits on spending.
March 22, 2005

Undermining the Culture of Dependence

You’ve no doubt seen the headlines about President Bush’s efforts to make private investment accounts a part of the Social Security System.
March 15, 2005

‘Won't Come Back from Dead Man’s Curve.’

Just around the Templeton Curve can be found the best argument for reforming Social Security now.

March 8, 2005

What Has Medicare to Do with Social Security?

President Bush is reportedly having trouble selling his plan for Social Security reform in Washington.

Total Records: 599