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March 1, 2005

Max Tax or Taxed to the Max

Tired of going through the agony of income tax season? Consider the alternative maximum tax, or “max tax.
February 22, 2005

Go East, Young Man

Singapore is home to one of the world’s freest economies.
February 15, 2005

What Would Teddy Roosevelt Say?

A congressional committee is considering extending a tax that was created to pay for the Spanish-American War to all Internet and data connections.
February 8, 2005

The Bucks Stop Here

At the Harry S.
February 2, 2005

The Real Deficit Problem:

Network newscasts and the major papers blared out the same basic headline recently: Bush Administration Projects Record Deficit.
January 25, 2005

A Tax Vision Instead of Tax Cuts

Tax cuts have become the signature Republican policy.
January 18, 2005

Social Security Lessons from Down Under

As the buzz about President Bush’s Social Security reform plans continues to grow, the doom-and-gloom crowd is dooming-and-glooming.
January 11, 2005

A Revolting Tax

To many, there’s nothing quite as comforting as a good, hot cup of coffee on a winter morning.
January 4, 2005

A Line in the Sand

President Bush drew a welcome line in the sand recently when he said there would be no increase in payroll taxes to pay for Social Security reform.
December 14, 2004

When Republicans Call for a Tax Increase

President Bush’s willingness to tackle the problems of a bleeding Social Security system is welcome.

Total Records: 599