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December 7, 2004

A Christmas Gift from Not-So-Wise Men

On the Friday before Thanksgiving, Congress gave Internet users an early Christmas present.
December 1, 2004

The Bucks Stop Here

Everywhere you look, it seems that politicians are wrestling with taxes.
November 1, 2004

War and Taxes: Inseparably Intertwined

During this campaign season, comparisons of this race to others have been made—often with a great deal of plausibility.
October 26, 2004

When “Tax Fairness” Means a Tax Hike

Be careful! The spending lobby—otherwise known as the government—is trying desperately to promote consumption taxes on services as their new revenue source.
October 19, 2004

A $10.4 Trillion Tax Hike

“We’re going to protect Social Security.
October 12, 2004

The Fertile New Tax Fields of the USA

Little noticed during the presidential campaign was a call by France and Brazil for a system of global taxation to fight poverty.
October 5, 2004

Beware of Liberals Who Profess to Care about the Deficit

In the midst of a presidential campaign, the economy is usually front and center of the debate.
September 28, 2004

"And the Winner Is...the Taxman"

When TV personality Oprah Winfrey gave away 276 new Pontiacs to her audience, some cynics called it just a publicity stunt.

September 21, 2004

The Road to a Simpler Tax System

When President Bush called for a simpler, fairer tax system in his party convention acceptance speech, the audience roared.
September 14, 2004

The Medicaid Quagmire

The fastest growing program in state budgets threatens the fiscal health of states, and the physical health of poor people.

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