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September 8, 2004

Bush, Health Care and Taxes

On first thought, these three topics — President Bush, health care and taxes — don’t seem to go together.
August 31, 2004

John Kerry's Tax Hike on the Middle Class

The Bush-Cheney campaign has rolled out a new campaign ad attacking John Kerry’s positions on taxes.
August 24, 2004

From Tax Cuts to Tax Reform

A recent study by the Congressional Budget Office on tax rates and burdens has set off the usual dust-up between Republicans and Democrats.
August 17, 2004

Taxocrats: The Next Growth Industry

Want even more proof that the U.
August 10, 2004

The Real Cost of the U.S. Tax Code

How much is your time worth? Five bucks an hour? Twenty bucks? More? Well, take that figure and multiply it by 27.
August 3, 2004

The Deficit Lodestone

To some Washington lawmakers the deficit is the lodestone for their fiscal decisions, guiding them like a compass in their opposition to tax cuts.
July 27, 2004

Proposition 13, Where Are You?

Remember the tax revolt that ushered in the age of Ronald Reagan: Proposition 13 in California.
July 20, 2004

Guess Who Really Wants Higher Taxes

There’s yet another poll by the Associated Press that purports to show that most Americans want higher taxes.
July 13, 2004

The Black Hole of Federal Programs for Seniors

Conspicuously absent from the presidential campaign is any mention of Social Security and Medicare.
July 6, 2004

There You Go Again

When Ronald Reagan uttered those words in 1980, he was talking about the Democratic incumbent and rival for the presidency, Jimmy Carter.

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