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June 22, 2004

A Surefire Way to Increase Government Revenues

The big spenders in government love to gripe about taxes.
June 15, 2004

The Common Economic Sense of Ronald Reagan

One of the reasons Ronald Reagan was elected president in two successive landslides is that he made sense – good ol’ common sense.
June 8, 2004

A President for the Taxpayer

The passing of Ronald Reagan has rightfully spurred a review of his accomplishments.
June 1, 2004

Gasbags on Gas Prices

As Americans are watching prices at the pump go up, we hear from a lot of different quarters as to what to do about it.
May 24, 2004

Productive Tax Cuts

Still don’t think tax rates affect human action? Oh sure, if they get too high, you say, then people will rebel.
May 20, 2004

The Taxpayer’s Prayer

Has there ever been so much wisdom so little used? America has produced the finest political thinkers in the history of the world, but a free-spending Congress pays little attention to that wisdom.
May 17, 2004

It's How You Vote, Not How You Poll

A recent AP poll is being touted as proof that Americans want deficit reduction over tax cuts.
May 13, 2004

The OTHER Way to Balance Budgets

As states wind up their budget making for the next fiscal year, it’s time to issue a “Conventional Wisdom Alert”: A balanced budget does not require a tax increase – or deep cuts to cherished programs.
May 10, 2004

Finally Some Good News on Taxes

Don’t look now, but common sense is breaking out all over Capitol Hill.

Total Records: 599